free hit

For those of you in or near Raleigh, NC, here’s a writing workshop that my fellow novelist, Scott Gould, and I are presenting in partnership with our publisher, Regal House: Write Your Novel: Tips to propel you from inspiration to final draft.

The workshop, free and open to the public, is scheduled for Sunday, April 14 at 1 pm at Barnes & Noble, in the Village District, 436 Daniels St.

Here’s a link to the event and here’s little more about the workshop:

Two writers share lessons on navigating the novel-writing journey from initial concept to a polished draft. 

Do you have a terrific idea for a novel but aren’t sure how to proceed? Or perhaps you are halfway through a draft and feel stuck? Maybe you’re seeking ways to craft a novel-in-stories into a cohesive narrative? This class will focus on ways to kickstart the writing and revising process and create a compelling novel. You’ll learn about tools to structure your ideas and fine-tune the framework of your novel and discover techniques to help you channel your creativity – even when inspiration is running dry.
